New York City Green Carts

Passing through the many corners of New York City one will catch a glimpse of the carts and boxes stacked with care, running from yellow to red to green and all the colors in between. The well-stocked corner reflects the sun's rays into a rainbow of delicious nutrients humans require to live a well-rounded lifestyle. Passers-by can find items such as bananas, strawberries, bell peppers, broccoli, potatoes, eggplants, and much much more. The fruits and vegetables call out to the wave of individuals making their way to work, picking up their kids from school, hustling to catch a train, or engaging in crucial conversation with a friend. "Come eat me! Pick me! My luscious green will fill you up and leave you feeling like a star!" Their cute little voices reel people in as though they were trout, excited at the prospect of a plastic worm. However, it is not just the appeal of color and healthy connotations; it is the price and convenience.

At the Twenty Third and secondave cart, one will find MD Hussain, the charismatic vendor. Lit up with a smile from 7 am to 7 pm, MD hustles to go through the many boxes full of food. Across the street is the grocery store, Morton Williams. One has a choice, to spend a few cash dollars with MD or get lost in a schematic maze with fruits and vegetables double and triple the price. MD immigrated from Bangladesh in 2013 to New York City with his wife and three sons. He enjoys the busy lifestyle of both places but plans to stay here in New York, potentially moving to Buffalo, where one of his sons resides. At his Green Cart, MD sells tangerines and grapes the most. Bananas are a hit, too, a great snack at just a quarter.

As I was observing and taking photos, "Two-dollars, every day!" rang on that corner from Tony, a frequenter grabbing a grapefruit, banana, an orange, and peach, on his way to work. "Two sugars MD?" asked the man as he passed in a flurry. "Yessir!" he responded. Three minutes later, Sal, who works nearby, handed him a coffee and returned to his own little world. These quick and thrilling interactions make the corner a place of camaraderie. Friendship and bonding are a perfect effect of this place. Donna comes every day to buy her fruits and vegetables because of its price and convenience, describing MD as a friendly, decent man and one she can always talk with.

Ten blocks away, one will find Houdin, from 7 am to 7 pm, running the Fourteenth street and Third Avenue Green Cart. Also, from Bangladesh, the sixty-one-year-old prides on the busyness of his spot. Right in front of Trader Joe's, Houdin drowns in customers, who flock for the cheap groceries and finish outside with bargain fruit and vegetables. He’s been doing it for thirteen years and says the most popular items are the broccoli, berries and mangos. I often come to Houdin’s cart to buy peppers, onions and apples. They’re always super fresh on Monday mornings!